In the world of Elminage Original, six rings harbor the powers of the gods. The world has been protected by a barrier created by 5 of the rings since before anyone remembers. When a group of dark priestesses attempt to shatter the barrier, 5 of the 6 rings scatter themselves to prevent further damage to the barrier. The once peaceful world is now threatened by the dark creatures emerging as the barrier fades. Word spread among adventurers that a monumental reward was in store for the ones that can gather all the rings and reinstate the barrier once again. So the adventure begins…
In effort to purge the land of Halodra Ille from this evil, players will lead their party members down into the cold blackness of dungeons, through slimy bogs, around crumbling towers of ancient ruins, and across forests where the naked and wiry branches of dead trees are so thick that they block out the sky above. With stunning hand drawn artwork, and boasting 12 races and 16 customizable characters to choose from, players will engage in classic turn-based RPG combat against swarms of vile monsters and twisted beasts so gigantic that they fill the entire screen! Steel and magic will only take players so far; they must also put faith in their ability to navigate through labyrinthine maps! Only those who know how to fuse their keen sense of direction with their strategic battle plans will come out alive.
Explore and purge evil from 12 unique dungeons
Beautiful hand drawn artwork done in a traditional style
Learn and cast over 150 spells and skills
200 monsters, beasts, and dragons to slay
Over 575 items to obtain and aid travelers throughout their dangerous journey